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Poetry has always been groundbreaking, inspiring, and needed, but very few readers are even aware of the work being published today. In an effort to make poetry more accessible and easier to find, I created this website to feature weekly poems by contemporary poets with links to a variety of literary journals and magazines for viewers to explore. Also, to help catalog some of my favorite reads throughout the pandemic years, I added contemporary poetry book recommendations with links for where to find them from independent bookstores. This project ended in May 2022 but poetry is still thriving, so keep reading!


Encuentra oportunidades de publicación en Entropy

Encuentra programas de escritura, residencias y más en AWP

la poesía en sí misma siempre ha sido buena para nosotros, y buena para nosotros, porque la poesía estadounidense contemporánea nutre, anima, congrega y educa y, en algunos casos, incluso nos salva de la misma manera que la poesía siempre lo ha hecho para aquellos que están dispuestos a dejar de hablar y escuchar. .

~ Seth Abramson

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